en smakebit:
My name is John Riley
I'll have your ear only a while
I left my dear home in Ireland
It was death, starvation or exile
And when I got to America
It was my duty to go
Enter the Army and slog across Texas
To join in the war against Mexico
It was there in the pueblos and hillsides
That I saw the mistake I had made
Part of a conquering army
With the morals of a bayonet blade
So in the midst of these poor, dying Catholics
Screaming children, the burning stench of it all
Myself and two hundred Irishmen
Decided to rise to the call
From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side
Ah, den songen er min favorittsong. David Rovics song den utafor Domkirka i sommar for afghanarane, og eg har sunge den for meg sjølv mange gonger etterpå.
SvarSlettDen er visst mange sin favorittsang, jeg er glad jeg endelig ramlet over den. Den nærmer seg faretruende en av mine favoritter med. Og han nevnte faktisk at han hadde spilt den i fjor, for afghanerne, rett før han spilte den - han begynte nemlig å spille akkurat når afghanermarsjen skulle begynne.